The best thing about being a coach? My clients!
I love each and every one of them dearly and am so blessed to work with such beautiful souls! My clients are all strong individuals who have put their lives on a path of positive growth.
Here is what they have to say about working with me:
“In a day and age where relationships are flat and a true connection to each other is a rare gem to be found, Debra’s genuine enthusiasm for life fuels your coaching experience.
An ever-faithful ally and pillar of evolving ideas, Debra approaches her clients with an intuitive ear, a foundation of love and sincerity, sprinkled with a touch of humor.
Her written communication is always that of a lively, three dimensional storyteller, as she pours her personality on the page, never leaving you disappointed.
Driven by the positive result of being relentless in her own life, Debra always captures your attention with thought-provoking topics and a working action plan for your life, both personally and professionally..”
~Elizabeth Rago Writer – Storyteller – Small Business Owner

Debra, one thing I have learned from you…..and likely the most important… to be thankful for my blessings. I realized today that I have never really taken the time to formally say thank you to you for your wise counsel as my life has evolved these past three years. Your continual patience and guidance have allowed me to move from being a man who didn’t believe he had anything in his glass to a man with a glass overflowing.
Your advice has always been spot on…….from helping me see how important it is to be thankful for my blessings to helping me remove physical and emotional clutter from my life. I am actually the most grateful for the times when you have spoken the truth in love and been honest with me when I wanted to continue to delude myself. Without those wise words, I would have continued to lie to myself and not had the breakthroughs I have experienced.
I’m not all I want to be yet but I would have ever found my path had I not met and worked with you. Thank you for your efforts in helping me find my life. I am forever in your debt.
~Basil Human, Engineer, Chief Operating Officer, Writer
Working with Deb is like chatting with an old friend and before you know it you’ve made huge accomplishments!
An AMAZING Woman Who Sparkles!
“Debra is a keen listener who manages to be truly empathetic while also helping clients to face reality, create a definitive plan of action, and move forward.
She applies her creativity to any dilemma and provides consistent accountability and encouragement”
~ Roxanne Ravenel | Writer / Freelance Journalist / Social Media Management
Debra. Your blogs and columns and coaching advice always seem supportive and like they’re coming from a place of love.
~Melissa Bartell, Word Ninja. Bathtub Mermaid
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Curious About Coaching?
Want to see if we’re a good fit? Click Here to Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Chat so we can explore where you are and what you really want in your life in 2013 – and BEYOND!